Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Summer flew by and Eric has already been back in classes for two days. So the countdown is on only 8 more months. We are looking forward to moving closer to home. Eric promised the girls two years ago that when he graduates they could each get a dog. They have faith that their Dad will pull through for them. Rylee starts her second year of Kindergarden next week, and she is really excited that this year she gets to ride the bus. Both girls start Ballet, and Rylee is starting piano. My maternity leave ended at the beginning of August so I have been picking up shifts on Peds and in the NICU. This year will keep us really busy, so I am sure it will go by fast. We are looking forward to hopefully seeing family come our way at Thanksgiving! And of course the beach at Christmas. Walker still hasn't hit any real big milestones. He is extremely grouchy thanks to the four teeth he has coming in a once. He started to pull him self up on things, but prefers Rylee to walk him around. He just learned how to dance it is fun to watch and laugh. I took the girls and him to get a hair cut the other day. He screamed through the entire thing, I felt bad for the hairdresser. It was worth it, he is starting to look like a little toddler and is so handsome. Pictures to come soon.


Jackie S. said...

Hey!!! It's great to see you updated again. Do you work in little or big ped's?

Jen said...

i work on little peds 3100!

Jackie S. said...

My friend is the rec. therapist on big peds... I had heard you were in ped's and I keep asking her if she knows you...but that's why she doesn't :)

Christy and Brett Bevans said...

So in May you will be getting 2 dogs? Eric promised a dog each? good luck, lol!

Debbie Jo said...

YAY for 8 more months of SCHOOL! There is light at the end of the tunnel! I hope you can find a place you like closer to home...:D