Thursday, May 21, 2009

Taya Turns 4!

Taya Celebrated her 4th birthday today. It was pretty low key with both Eric and I sick today. Eric did wake up and make her a pancake breakfast. Followed by opening of presents. Which Taya informed me yesterday that it was okay that I was sick I could just pass her presents to her. Eric did try to take the girls fishing today at request from Taya but after 4 hours she said Mom we couldn't find the lake so we will fish next time, to finish it off we had Turtle Cheesecake for dessert. (Taya's pick) This picture is for Grandma! We are headed home next week for Eric's Grad and I just wanted to send you a picture of what was coming to visit.

Victoria Day!!!

We took the Kids out on Victoria Day to Fort Steele (which is a heritage town just outside of Cranbrook). We were watching Grace Bevans for the week and decided that since it was a nice day(26 degrees) we would attempt to go out with two toddlers. The girls learned to pann for Gold and thought it was pretty cool.

This was the Dental Office! It had some pretty old equipment in it, good thing there has been a few updates since then. (1898 is when this town was build)

Here are the girls already for church. Ry and Taya just love Grace and now have decided they want another sister, not brother. She is such a cutie and very easy going. We had a lot of fun with her while she was here.

Walker not wanting his picture taken! But he always looks so handsome on Sunday that I tried my best to get it.